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I love my little house in the country. My writer’s retreat. From my office in my quaint little 1940s cottage, I have glorious views of rolling hills. Bird calls are the predominant sounds of the day, silence reigns at night … unless the cows in the paddock down the...

Going Postal

Country life is different to city life in many ways, but one of the most significant is the service. People smile at you, ask you how your day has been – and sound like they’re genuinely interested in the answer. But it’s more than that, as I discovered when I went to...

Frog … The other F Word

Anyone who has worked in a school knows that it’s not for the fainthearted. They also know that one of the few places you can get any respite, is the staff toilet. Unless there are frogs. Being confronted by one (or two or three) of them in the toilet bowl is an...

Summer in Queensland

As summer kicks in, I’m loading up on ice blocks again. I certainly don’t want a repeat of 2017…I didn’t used to be a fan of cold weather, but my first summer in Toogoolawah converted me. I was expecting that I could tough it out. After all,...

Book review – Ghosts and Grudges

Ghosts and Grudges is the first book in Jasmine Walt’s Shaman Queen Saga. I loved the premise of this story – ancient Japanese mythology meets the twenty-first century – but it didn’t really work for me.Aika’s life is stressful enough with studying medicine and...