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Book review – Girls Can’t Be Knights

When Claire Terdan was six years old her parents and younger brother perished in a house fire, and she has bounced around in the foster system for the ten years since. She’s now a feisty teenager who doesn’t hesitate to stand up to bullies, but she’s in mortal danger...

Book review – Forest of a Thousand Lanterns

Brilliant! I was captivated by Xifeng’s struggle to claim her destiny as Empress of Feng Lu in Julie C Dao’s debut novel. Dao weaves her narrative masterfully in a dark, vivid and alluring world of mysticism and magic. Xifeng is a complex and compelling character –...

Book review – Daughter of the Empire

I need more stars! Five is not enough … Daughter of the Empire is the first in a trilogy that follows Mara of the Acoma. A few gong-beats shy of becoming a Sister in the Order of Lashima, Mara is recalled to her family’s estate as soul heir to the House Acoma after...

Book review – A Quest of Undoing

Xebdigon Whizzfiddle is a wizard who has to find a quest, get it contracted, and finish it to the letter within 30 days or he’ll lose his guild membership status, meaning he’ll have to actually work for a living. At the perpetual age of 650, this is really...

Book review – The Red Fox Clan

A story has a beginning, a middle and an end. Call me old-fashioned, but I like all of those components to be in the one book. I feel cheated by John Flanagan’s The Red Fox Clan. It would have been better titled The Red Fox Clan – Part 1. Yes, it’s a well written...